Sunday, February 8, 2009

Upcoming Travels

One of my duties as International Representative is to make visits to the Districts in my Sub-region. I am excited about traveling to a few places within the next several weeks. Here is a list of where I will be going.
  • February 15-17, 2009: Western Canada's District Convention in Winnipeg, Manitoba
  • February 20-22, 2009: Pacific Northwest's District Convention in Spokane, Washington
  • Feburary 27-March 1, 2009: Utah-Idaho's District Convention in Caldwell, Idaho
  • March 27-28, 2009: Montana's District Convention in Butte, Montana

Previously, I made my first visit to Salt Lake City, Utah, for Utah-Idaho's District Large Scale Service Project from January 30-31, 2009. It was the District's first-ever event, which focused on having a Health and Safety Fair. There was a good turnout there! I had a great time. :)