Thursday, October 9, 2008

Balancing Act

First of all, it has been a while since I last had a blog entry here. As a college senior (4th year undergraduate student) at the University of Washington in Seattle, I am dealing with what is supposed to be an exciting yet challenging path in my life. Since Fall Quarter 2008 began, I have been busy balancing family, friends, school, CKI and work. I already knew that my responsibilities as International Representative for Sub-region A[+] would take time away from my family and friends (those in CKI and outside of CKI). Yet, I manage to squeeze in some time to spend time with them. So far, school is going well. I went to meet with my History advisor to fill out some paperwork - to ensure that I can obtain Graduating Senior Priority status. After spending about 20 minutes with my History advisor, I have learned that the History Department is having a commencement ceremony for those graduating History majors on June 12th, 2009 - the last of finals for Spring Quarter; the University of Washington (Seattle) has its grand commencement ceremony on June 13th. The most important thing I need to do when it comes to school is show up to class, pay attention, study hard, and write well in class. Life in CKI is good for the most part. I am enjoying my experience as International Representative though at times it is not always easy. I have been very lucky to attend my home club's meetings and my home division's event, S3: Saturday of Service in Seattle. I had a great time seeing familar faces and meeting new people. Of course, I have to make sure that I keep myself in check because I am guilty of letting CKI consume my life. I have been told that I live for CKI. It is true. Sometimes I forget to eat because I am so caught up in doing CKI stuff. Now to work: work has been good so far. I had an issue at work, but it has been resolved so I am happy about that. I was going to work two jobs this quarter but it just didn't go through. Oh well. That's okay with me.

Well, I have to go for now. I have another History class that starts in about 10 minutes.